Learning Activities in Finland

  • On December 10, the teachers Inês Madaleno and Salomé Lopes traveled with 4 students to Orimattila - Finland. They participated in the first learning activities of the project.

    On the second day, in the morning, the teachers and students attended the presentation of the country, the region and the organizing school; presentation of the Finnish school system in general and explanation of the operation of secondary education in Finland; to the presentation of partner country schools and robotics related activities of each school: Finland, Portugal, Spain, Turkey and Poland. In the afternoon, they visited the church of Orimattila (sacristy, chapel, side choir, pulpit, organ and cemetery of the victims of the Second World War) and the Taidemuseo Kirjasto (exhibition of paintings and sculptures).

    On December 12, participants went to LAMK University in Lathi, where they attended the presentation of the robotics laboratory, visited the woodworking workshop, where automated machines (laser cutting and engraving) and a robot of Wood cutting. In the robotics room they were able to observe the programming and operation of two ABB robots. In the afternoon, they visited the Ski Museum in Lathi: exhibition of videos and photographs on the evolution of skiing in this region; exposure of the evolution of clothing and equipment over the years; ludic and interactive activities on the subject ski. They also had time to visit the port of Vesijärvi, crossing Lanu Park, ending the day with a snack in a typical cafe.

    On December 13, participants were performing activities at the Erkko-lukio school. There was a meeting to present the activities to be carried out on 13 and 14 December. Saint Lucia Day was celebrated in the school's amphitheater - a recital performed by the school choir. A workorkshop with Arduino kit was carried out in the computer room: Mehackit online course. In the evening, there was dinner, socializing, sauna, diving in the snow and word sharing in several languages, Mallusjoen leirikoti (camp center belonging to the parish of Orimattila).

    On December 14, participants continued to carry out activities at the Erkko-lukio school. They attended a lecture about robots VEX, made by a group of students with experience in this type of robots. Participated in the workshop with robots VEX: assembly of the robot and its programming; and preparation and training of the teams for the contest to be held after lunch. In the afternoon, the VEX robots competition was held: the teams where Portuguese students were placed were in 2nd and 3rd place. There was also time for a meeting of the project's teachers, to discuss some of the project's issues and to exchange information about the 2nd learning activity in Portugal.

    On December 15 the visit to Helsinki took place:
    - Sibelius monument (Sibelius is one of the most popular composers of classical music of the nineteenth century).
    - Temppeliaukio Church (built on the rocks).
    - Cathedral of Helsinki (Evangelical Lutheran).
    - By the city (main avenues and buildings and port).
    - Short break for lunch and shopping in downtown Helsinki.