3.4. - Proposals on sustainability

  • The three proposals selected by students are:

    PROPOSALS on Sustainability

    I  PROPOSAL : increase  all the students and staff awareness about what can be done to foster school sustainability  establishing a fixed timatable for doing research and investigation on the topic of «Applied Environmental Protection »  The course syllabus should include :

    1. Teach everyone at school how to use the photocopying machine properly  (i.e. copy on both sides, increase or decrease the density, choose the right size when zooming, etc) so that a lot of paper can be saved
    2. Planning, designing and creating a set of very easy to understand sings and e_leaflets on how and where  to recycle different materials that are very much used at school (paper, plastic, cans,  toners, batteries, etc.)
    3. Doing research on how much resources are used every year by the school for heating,  elctricity and water and suggest ways to reduce waste of resources
    4. Doing research on how many photocopies are done each year at school and suggest ways to reduce waste of resources
    5. Creating articles for the school magazine and  for the local papers in order to focus on each school  features and ask local authorities in charge of school maintenance  to enhance school sustainability

    II PROPOSAL: Reduce use of energy for transportation purposes fostering vehicles sharing :

    1. Creating a car sharing app for students, teachers and families only
    2. Asking for more bus rides and additional bus stops to meet each students and member of staff needs

    III PROPOSAL : Reduce the production waste material in the first place and learn to reuse whenever possible:

    1. introducing  water dispenser in every school  and ask all the members of staff and students to bring at school reusable containers
    2. Create a second-hand bookshop in each school in order to reduce the number of new school books  to be printed
    3. Introduce  « How to reuse resources  labs »  with the cooperation of artists and  experts