2.0.1.-EU Labour Force

  • The following indicators are based on the results of the European Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS), in few cases integrated with data sources like national accounts employment or registered unemployment. As a result of the application of adjustments, corrections and reconciliation of EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS), 'LFS main indicators' is the most complete and reliable collection of employment and unemployment data available.

    The main concepts related to the labour status are the following:

    • Employed persons are all persons who worked at least one hour for pay or profit during the reference week or were temporarily absent from such work.
    • Unemployed persons are all persons who were not employed during the reference week and had actively sought work during the past four weeks and were ready to begin working immediately or within two weeks.
    • The active population (labour force) is defined as the sum of employed and unemployed persons.
    • The inactive population consists of all persons who are classified neither as employed nor as unemployed.

    The following file can be used by students in order to prepare the report for the European Active Citizenhip Memorandum. It´s a compilation of statistics by sex, age and country collected from this offical web:

    More info here: