Part 1 : Selection of the ambassadors to Strasbourg

  • In each school, 10 ambassadors have been selected to participate to the mobility to Strasbourg from 21st to 25th of November 2018.

    The Spanish ammbassadors and their teachers, Mrs Del Castillo Puente and Mrs Candia.

    The English ambassadors.















    The Greek ambassadors with their teachers, Mrs Gineri and Mrs Sdrolia.

    The French ambassadors : Marion G., Floriane B., Elise J., Soline J., Camille M., Florian L. , Elian O., Agnès L;, Loréna M., Bérangère L., and Mme Lardy, the headmistress of Collège Calmette et Guérin.

    Another photo of the French ambassadors, this time with their teachers : Mme Denizou and M.Marville.