Dissemination in Italy
1. Personal site
2. School site
3. End of Year School Event at IC San Giorgio di Mantova
On June, 6 we illustrated our project to parents and students of our school and at the San Giorgio community.
Students explained the aims, the activities and the meetings done, they talked about their fantastic experiences of mobilities and how important they have been for them...

4. Searching for Superman Interview
Searching for Superman is a documentary film project about inspiring, alternative & innovative educational projects and schools.
For about three years they are traveling Europe searching for people (teachers, school leaders, social entrepreneurs, young people themselves…) who are changing the world through education. In 2021 they will produce a feature length documentary film with the best insights.
Theirs goals are to share their stories and testimonials and to connect them to generate a movement of global change in education.
I talk about our Erasmus+ project and about the eTwinning platform!
(from the site https://searchingforsuperman.es)
David Fernandes and his colleague came to visit our school on March 28th :)

Article about our meeting in Poland

....and in Greece