1. eTwinning TRAINING


    Training: “eTwinning & TwinSpace: our platform to collaborate, cooperate and disseminate”

    1-What is eTwinning

    2-Discover eTwinning Portal

    3-How to use eTwinning Live:

        +Finalize your entry, show who you are (profile editing) 

        +Communicating: discover what’s happening, connect with people

        +Collaborating: create a project, general project management (edit project description, image   

          gallery, add/manage partners, project card)

    4-TwinSpace Management (our project virtual classroom):

        +Setting (general/profile/language) and participants

            -how to create and manage pages and subpages

            -how to insert images, video, files

            -how to embedd web 2.0 tools

            -how to use Forum, Chat, TwinMail, Project Journal, Teacher Bulletin

            -how to create a Live Event