Reading Circles


       By means of implementing international reading circles (students- led novel studies), we ensure our students’ practice of their linguistic skills and communicative strategies in foreign language, both  in a formal, but also informal context ( which fosters peer communication), since the project itself comprises the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. It puts the learning on the students’ shoulders in order to becomeautonomous readers. It also reinforces and develops their analytical skills.

       The process of reading circles has been as follows on this link.

       As a result, students have been engaged in reading several graded readers to become autonomous to promote reading for pleasure. Students have applied a wide range of strategies to comprehend, evaluate, share, explain, analyse, discriminate, generate questions, interact with other project students from a different nationality, which helped them to improve literacy skills (speaking, listening, writing and reading). They have also developed an understanding and respect for other cultural customs, timetables, diversity in language use and accents. They learn to respect opinions and thoughts of others.