Task 4: Meeting online

  • 1st year Etwinning project

     During the 1st week of March students are required to :

    • contact with other team members (emails provided)
    • set a date to meet online via twinspace (chat room or live room).

    The objective is to get to know each other and share roles and responsibilities.

    Remember you must fill in your meetings calendar worksheet where you plan:

    • meeting days
    • roles rotation.
    • The discussion leader will be the responsible to write down the learning journal on twinspace wall after every meeting.

    Here I provide you with a meeting calendar.( distribution of chapters and meeting weeks).

    Here you'll find the meeting schedule worksheet and your role worksheets. (resources section).

    A final project will be required at the end of your reading. (in process). This will be presented at your school and in the French mobility by the students who take part in it (28 May-3 June 2018).

    In September 2018 we'll start the second round of readings.

    Reflective Learning Journal

    The twinspace's wall is yours, dear students, so you can share with us any image, video, activity that you do while implementing your etwinning project. Apart from that, teachers would like that each time you meet online, the discussion leader will be in charge of explaining on the wall your conclusions and findings. I provide you here an example of reflective journal you can follow. But...first, what is a reflective journal?


    • What is Reflective Learning Journal?

    Reflective journal is designed to help you think deeply about your learning, especially on issues such as: your progress in learning, the difficulties you encountered in the process of learning, the strategies you have taken to get around those difficulties, and your evaluation of your own performance.

    • What can you get from writing reflective learning journal?

             For the study, writing a reflective learning journal helps you:

    • bring together theory and practice,
    • yield better understanding of the course material

             For your development as a successful and independent learner, it helps you:

    • See your strength and weakness as a learner
    • Find out the methods of learning which suit your own learning style
    • Notice how you can improve your learning in the future
    • Gain a clearer picture of your learning progress and so in a better position to plan your learning

    General Instructions

    • The object of reflection for this journal is your experience in learning during the reading & discussion process.
    • You are required to make one entry once you've played the discussion leader role, each about 250 words of length. You are advised to make entry regularly rather than leaving it till before a submission date.
    • You must include in your entry:
      • Your group's number and the names of the participants
      • Name of the book you're reading
      • Date of meeting and channel (chat room or live room on Twinspace)
      • Your reflections on:
        • record any observation, experience, thought and insight about reading the chapters assigned and your reading process in your group.
        • You can share with us pictures or videos of this process (upload them)
        • Here you've got some prompt questions to help you write.You don’t need to (in fact, you are not supposed to) answer every one of them in any entry.
          • What has been discussed in you group?
          • What difficulties have you encountered?
          • What did you find difficult in understanding? 
          • What did you visualize as your read?  How did visualizing help you?
          • What questions did you ask?  How did asking questions throughout the process help you?
          • What was the most helpful to you?
          • What was the least helpful to you?
          • What did you like the most? The least?
          • What connections can you make between what you learned and real world applications?
          • What new ideas, questions, insights, puzzles, or connections do you have?
          • What was good about the role you play? Explain.
          • What could have been better? Explain. What will you do next time to improve your role playing?