
  • Siemens - the biggest private employer in Karlsruhe

    Siemens is a global company with a focus on electrification, automation and globalization.
    It has a leading role at the development of systems for energy production, energy transfer and clinical diagnostics.
    The ICE 4 is e.g. developed by Siemens mobility (picture on the right, Pic 1)   
    The area of Siemens in Kalrsruhe covers 284.106m2 and is the fifth largest establishment of Siemens.
    The focus of the establishment is at process automation, fabrication automation, building automation and industrial services.



    Karlsruhe Institute for Technology (KIT) - research center and university

    general information and research center:File:Ortsdurchfahrt-Leopoldshafen.jpg

    In 2009 the research center Karlsruhe (founded in 1956) and the university of Karlsruhe (founded in 1825) combined to form the KIT.
    The research part is leading in the field of particle physics as the KATRIN experiment was constructed in 2015 with the aim to  measure the mass of neutrinos.
    The KATRIN project is an international cooperation with people from 12 institutions of Germany, the United Kingdom, the Russian Federation, the Czech Republic and the United States. The picture on the right (Pic. 2) shows the detector at the transport through Leopoldshafen.



    The university contains  89 fields of study altogether (bachelor and master) and with 25500 students it is one of Germany's largest universities.
    The functional orientation is composed of the natural scientific fields.
    Students have the opportunity to study abroad with the Erasmus-project and to promote in natural sciences, engineering sciences, economic sciences, humanities and social sciences.
    The picture on the right (Pic. 3) shows the library of the Campus Süd area.



    Fields of study:



    Pic. 1: (25.04.18)
    Pic. 2: (03.05.18)
    Pic. 3: (25.04.18)


    by Simon Großmann