


    Events for young people in Karlsruhe:


    "Das Fest":

    • around 250.000 people visit "Das Fest" every year 

    • it takes place every year on the weekend before the summer holidays in Baden-Württemberg

    • the goal is to make an event which is attractive for everyone

    • popular musicians like Rea Garvey, Sunrise Avenue, Clueso etc. were guests in the past

    • the event has taken place since 1985


    "Alb in Flammen":

    • light installations and fire bowls light up the river Alb in Ettlingen by night

    • for the past 14 years "Alb in flames" has been drawing people to the river atthe beginning of june

    • local bands play on a stage at the marketplace



    • from July 28th to September 9th there is a light animation show at the castle of Karlsruhe every year


    ​picture 1:

    ​picture 2:

    ​picture 3: Omar Hammouda