Task 6 from Spain - Arduino Contest

  • Arduino Contest

    Create an affordable Arduino project for the parts you have, implement at least 1 input sensor (photoresist, ultrasound, microphone) and some outputs (leds, buzzer, motor) Physically implement the project with the Arduino board, Protoboard, Leds, cables, etc. And make it work.

    You must do a building in your city, scale to everyone in your class to set all together on a big table when they are finished.  You can use a USB hub of power supply to charge all the arduino boards, or power cells, if you prefer.  Some ideas can be, a light in the harbour, a gate for a parking, a house with domo, a trafic lights for velocity control, a discotheque, etc.

    Perform the program in the Arduino IDE. Comment on each line of code you use. Deliver the Arduino program to its native extension .INO.
    Make a video with iMovie with the specifications below. Delivery URL of the video taken and uploaded to youtube publicly. In the video description delivers the text of the complete program code.
    Video specifications:

    1. Duration of less than 1 minute.
    2. Start with title and description.
    3. Split screen, left video of hardware in operation, and simultaneously to right monitor quicktime recording of arduino series with outputs programmed with Serial.println order.
    4. Final with credits (author, date, course and school).
    5. Music with copyleft or in its defect indicating author and "disclaimer".
    6. Video or letters in English and that appear logos of eTwinning and the project "Scratch and Arduino from east to west".

    To choose a project, leave a message in the forum thread, where you indicate your project for the contest by pairs of students. You must indicate:

    1. Name and surnames of the students who are members of the team.
    2. Title of the project.
    3. Description of operations and related projects or on which you base.
    4. List of Arduino elements you are going to use in the project.


    Congrats to everyone of participans.  We can see the final video here: https://youtu.be/bAY8sNV24JE

    The results: