Introducing participants

  • - Introducing participants: TwinSpace profile edition with a description of your skills for the project. Mailing, forums, chats and videoconferencing.
    DATES (1 week): Hi every body, welcome to Building up our city !!! This is going to be our first task.  Follow the steps marked in yellow bellow.

    Video conference for teachers.

    A piece of the video conference here could be published later ... 

    Students signed in Twinspace platform.

    Once your teacher have completed your register in Twinspace, you are able to be in Twinspace, in fact, you are reading this.  Remember: ONLY THE TEACHER WILL YOU GIVE THE PASSWORD FOR EVERYONE.

    Customizing the Twinspace profile.

    Now edit your profile and modify the description and upload a photo.  A briefing tutorial of how to modify your profile on Twinspace here:

    Chat or Forums sessions for students.

    Go to the "In Live" option in the main menu in Twinspace, and try chats to know your posible collaborators on your future works in group.  Remember all the conversations will be stored on the Twinspace servers to be consulted by teachers later.  If you had some technical problems logging in the chatroom, or timetable between foreign strudents doesn't fix, you could use the forums to do this activity, search the apropiate forum for this activity.