Creating working groups

  • - Creating working groups. Selecting the theme of the final project and materials needed for each group of students. Organize programs, projects and ideas on Twinspace.

    DATES (1 week):  Hello, as soon as posible and after the previous task has been performed, we can start with the second task.  Follow the steps marked in yellow bellow.




    Selecting topics for projects using Linoit and formation of working groups.

    Go to the reciently created panel named "eTwinning Building up our city" and follow the instructions there to join a group with foreign students.  Write a message to do that looking for a work group you like it.



    Organization of each working group using mind maps on Goconqr.

    Search the instructions named "eTwinning Building up our city project example" and follow them.


    Sharing mind maps made from Goconqr in the Twinspace forums.

    Make your own mind map about your future work there, sharing your mindmap URL in the forums.