
    Here is the list of some of the ICT Tools that we can use in this project and that we could use in other subjects with our pupils.



     YouTube to upload and share project videos

    Compressjpeg to compress jpg or jpeg photos

    padlet to share resources (logos, games,...)

    Animoto to create a presentation with photos

    Google slides to create a presentation with photos and comments

    Jigsaw planet to create jigsaw puzzles

    Learning Apps to create online games

    Hotpotatoes Belgium Game

    Kahoot   Create , play and share learning games 

    and to play it you use this 

    You can join a Facebook group  called Kahoot! community to find out more  

    Padlet www.padlet.com A wall that you can post text, photos or video links on.

    Glogster www.glogster.com A cross between a poster and a blog, very visual.

    Thinglink www.thinglink.com you can add links to a photo.

    Voki www.voki.com You create an avatar and a recording of yourself speaking.

    Animoto www.animoto.com Photo sharing with themes and music.

    Snapguide www.snapguide.com Create a how to guide to share with others.

    Answergarden http://answergarden.ch/about-AnswerGarden/ ask a question and collect all the answers.

    Wordle www.wordle.com create a word cloud of a range of key words.

    Storyjumper www.storyjumper.com Make your own ebook to share.

    Soundcloud www.soundcloud.com Create and share sounds.

    Jigsaw planet www.jigsawplannet.com Use a photo and turn it in to a jigsaw.

    Mindomo www.mindomo.com Use this to create shared mind maps

    Pintrest www.pintrest.com Can create a board where you add project ideas from other websites.

    Google Docs/Drive Can be used for shared word documents, creating forms that can be used and the results analysed and joint presentations.

    Twiddla http://www.twiddla.com An online whiteboard that can be used in real time.

    Google drive - To make forms with automatic estatistics treatment, to save and to share folders and files

    Google photos - To save photos without memory limit, to share photos, to create Álbuns, to organize photos by local, activity and movies.

    Moodle - To create subjects and pages for the students, to upload files and Folders from teachers, or works from students, to create an evaluations Test, To create Chats, to organize a platform group by classroom

    Hotpotatoes To create educative games, like Quiz, JCloze, Crosswords, Masher Programs...

    After learning from our partners a new web application , Belgium realized this with

    children from pre-primary school using the vocabulary of autumn


    iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/osiG7SVEON4" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen>

    Italy project realized using SCRATCH.

    This is a game to learn "What did the Romans do for us?" (History section)
