
  • Poll for parents


    Parents complete the poll



    81.1% of parents have not heard of eTwinning at all. This is because it is the first project of the kindergarten children group. 18.2% say they have heard about eTwinning community.

    59.1% of parents say that their children have told about the project activities at home. 36.4% said sometimes. Only one parent (4.5%) says that his child has not told anything at home.

    Parents have enriched their awareness of Europe and Europe's cultural heritage thanks to the project with children - 99.5%. Very good result! The project was useful not only for children and teachers, but also for parents. Only 1 parent /4.5%/ wrote "No".

    90.9% of parents want the kindergarten to continue using eTwinning project based learning in its educational program as additional knowledge to be given to children. 2 parents / 9.1%/ responded "No". Therefore: In our next project we will invite them to attend during the implementation of the activities. So, they will help us in real time, and they will participate even more actively.

    It turned out that it is not enough for parents to work in TwinSpace. Live participation is required, at the same time, together with their children. And when we present the project publicly, parents will be active speakers rather than passive listeners.