Report on 3rd Transnational Project Meeting


    Report of  the 3. Transnational Project Meeting in Presov



    4.12.2018   Arrival in Presov


    5.12.2018  1st working day in Presov


    Official begin of the 3rd TPM.

    Headmaster Eva Turakova welcomes all members.

    An introduction to Sukromna Spojena School for autistic students from 2007 to 2018 is given.


    Jobshadowing in an open music class and different classes are made. Discussions with classroom teachers and assistents are held. Visualisated methods like TEACCH can be watched as an example of best practise at the school.


    Rooms and different sections of the school like afternoon care, psychologist consultations and early childhood section are shown.


    Lunch is taken in the school’s restaurant.


    Project planning and discussions about the following topics:


    Outcome: project homepage

    Maria Strakova prepared the project homepage. Some corrections are made. We should add a more specific focus on additional special needs in the texts (structure) and materials. Thanks a lot to Maria!


    Members of the german team introduce a draft of foreword and some text passages they have already written for outdoor learning, installing an outdoor camp and risk management for rock climbing.


    For risk management of Forest School a link to Carlton Lodge risk management should be added. Emma will provide the link.


    Further ideas:

    In addition to the organization of outdoor camps some good practise examples for international camps should be writtten, e.g. sign and picture systems, penpals portraits....


    We agree, that every country is going to write the handbook for their (sportive) specific outdoorcamp. (Germany rock climbing, UK forest school, Slovakia skiing, Lithuania outdoor challenges around the water)


    Outcome: questionnaires


    Reflection of the experiences with questionnaires from the first two LTTAs.

    Each country agrees with:


    Staff reflection is possible but difficult and time consuming.

    Realization for students is very difficult and depends on their ability to be reflective and to understand the grafics and questions. All participating students with their special additional needs are very different.

    Parents reflections sometimes are useful but quite often they have another perceiving of their children than staff. Not every parent is willing to fill out the questionnaire or is able to understand the questions asked.

    The projects questionnaires should have less structure and less points.

    We agree, that using a questionnaire as an outcome instrumentarium we should need more data. In the form available they are not useful to compare.


    We agree to use a case study instead of the questionnaire. In this case study we will mention the background of the student, why they were choosen and how they benefit. Opinions  from staff, parents and students should be included. Every country is going to write one case study as an example for each LTTA. Put it on the homepage? Has to be discussed on TPM in Kaunas..

    Emma Straker will design a template and email it to the other participants.


    Outcome: booklet for outdoor learning


    Printing the booklet could be organized in UK. Emma could do the layout and the printing with their students. Emma would help with translation into english.


    We agree, that each country will be responsible for their own translation from english to their national language.


    Costs of printing: if it is just 5, there would be no costs, if it were 100, costs must be asked for. Spends should come from money for dissemination.


    Projects timetable:


    Projects on Twinspace

    Reminding to put pictures and films on twinspace? Some countries put their autumn activities in with pictures and films, there are still some to be added.


    Structure of projects Twinspace is good!

    The material links should be added to the title of pages.


    Twinspace live

    A conference is tried, was not succesful). Paul Sowerby e-mails an introduction how to use the conference room to the others. A try to show the e-twinning live failed. It is jugded as being not really practical. Another try will be made on day 3.




    Europe day

    Team members of Germany introduce their schools Europe days, 2018 as an UK day with fish´n chips, 2019 as an outdoor day in the forest for the whole school.


    An idea is  to have a skype conference with students on Twinspace or some celebrating project for the students. Emma is going to work on ideas for common activities. We agree on these ideas.



    We confirm our decision from the 1st TPM that the Europass is not useful for our specific students with additional needs. So we will not fill them out.


    Additional words

    According to the next LTTA we need to collect additional words for skiing and winter, e.g. cold....Maria is adding words and preparing symbols.


    End of theoretical work.


    Tour across the city and welcome dinner at a city restaurant.




    Arrival and refreshments at Sukromna spojena skola.

    Visiting the schools section for high functional autistic students (Aspergers) in a Franziscan monastery building in the city center.


    Travel to Ruzbachy, Ski resort.


    Visit of restaurant and indoor activities centre in San Andre pension. Visiting the accomodation in San Andre.


    Discussing the LTTA in SK:



    • Arriving and leaving of national teams
    • Rooms and students and staff in rooms, international groups
    • Ski rentals
    • Equipement to pack (list)
    • Daily program (as on TPM program)
    • Meals
    • Ideas for indoor times
    • Responsibilities for skiing and swimming (no deep water), risk management
    • Kicksleds could be taken from home
    • Students coming

    Participants in total in Ruzbachy in February: 35


    Activities indoors and outdoors will be planned on the first night by staff.


    SK willl bring games etc. for students.


    We agree that students will not bring mobile phones (except for travelling) to SK.


    Health care: a doctor is situated in Ruzbachy, emergency call possible, hospital nearby.


    Costs per person: 175 € in total (accomodation, meals, using the indoor sportive grounds). Additional: cave visiting, ski rental 12€ each day, lifts 15€ per day (but not for every person, depending on who is using the lift how often)


    Travel back to Presov.

    Dinner at a restaurant





    Arrival at school and refreshment


    Reflection of day 2:

    • Each country should bring 2 or 3 Karaoke songs for a social night with a video and send them to Maria before the LTTA
    • We collect songs from each country to sing in different languages


    Reflection of the LTTAs in Germany and UK

    Every participant writes and explains on prepared sheets helpful solutions, problems and solving ideas as wishes for the coming LTTAs.


    We agree on:

    Helpful items were and are: tasty food and joint meals, splitting of tasks, good balance of structured and unstructured free time, spending evenings together, groups with students from different countries, new activites for staff and students, daily programm in advance, pen portraits of students in advance, increase of independance and social skills, increase of motorical skills, daily reflection for staff and students,


    Problem solving: we agree that if we need help we must tell it.


    Wishes: to have a daily programm in symbols or words in the camp, an activity for better memorizing who is who, having portraits somewhere around the camp, t-shirts on the first day, mixing nationalities in activities, flexibility and dialogue in LTTA planning, menu translated before (if possible...), sitting on a table with several nations, lets happen it naturally..., starting and ending meals together, same meal times for all students, teachers meetings with the best english speaking teachers every night.


    Lunchtime at the schools restaurant.


    Informations on 4th LTTA in Lithuania:


    Travel days and activity days are planned, arrival ferry, plane, minibus, some sportive activities , excursions.

    Meals together, breakfast self catered in the accomodation, lunch and dinner in a restaurant. Accomodation in a pension in Nida.



    Discussion on media:


    We agree that we will use Twinspace for the project collecting pictures, films, documents. It is easier to share pictures on the LTTA: every country brings a memory stick and the hosting school a laptop.

    Permission from parents/carers for the use of images: problem for UK, no permission for the homepage. Emma will have a look at all the photos used for the homepage in advance to decide which can be published.



    Agenda of next TPM in Lithuania:

    • Website filled with ideas and contents
    • Outcomes
    • Case studies instead of questionnaires
    • Booklet on outdoor learning



    Twinspace conference led by Paul was tried as an example in practise. E-twinning live events was working. We agree to try to use it before TPMs with staff. It is not so suitable for students because of local country times and different timetables at school.


    Some general values of outdoor education will be put on Twinspace. Preparing the coming LTTA the values for skiing and outdoors in winter are focused on.







    This report is sent to participants


    Maria Strakova

    Marek Straka

    Eva Turakova


    Raminta Kruopyte

    Deividas Milaknis


    Emma Straker

    Paul Sowerby


    Anke Hausotter

    Marion Finke

    Birute von Below





    Hameln, 17.12.2019,                                  Anke Hausotter, Marion Finke


    Original file to download - Report on 3rd TPM in Slovakia.