Story 1 (France, Portugal, Greece, Latvia)

  • The main character of this story is a KINDERGARTEN TEACHER (man)

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    Every good story has exciting STORY LINE (plot), interesting CHARACTERS, gripping DIALOGUES and eyecatching DESCRIPTIONS.

    Chapter1- France

    Chapter 2- Portugal

    Chapter 3- Greece

    Chapter 4 Latvia


    Story 1


    Chapter 1:

    I will tell you about Edgar’s story, a young man who just finished his studies to be a kindergarten teacher. When he started, he met some difficulties .

    Let’s do a flashback. Since a young age. Edgar had always had difficulties at school and his teachers never stopped saying that he was a desperate case and that there was nothing to do. Edgard just needed more time to understand, more explanations

    That is why, he had had the idea to become a teacher to help the children in need . So, he worked hard to achieve his dream. When he graduated high school, Edgar announced his  job choice to his parents. But they didn’t accept it at all because for them kindergarten teacher was a woman’s job. They would prefer him to be an engineer which was more male dominated. Edgar refused and  followed his dream: he went on studying in a school to graduate as a teacher. Although he was the only boy in his class and undergoing scorns, he didn’t quit but eventually got his degree.

    He started to work at kindergarten with a lot of enthusiasm.

    On the first morning, a mother arrived at school with her child  and met Edgar who was at the gate waiting for the children. At first, she mistook him as the cleaning agent. Edgard, joyful, explained that he was her child’s teacher.

    The mother was so shocked, she started screaming saying that it was impossible, she wanted to call the director and have her daughter change class……

    Chapter 2  ( by Joana Weber and Iris Mata , PT )


    More of those embarrassing situations occurred in the following days , which led to him being fired from the kindergarten.


    Edgar was fired before being able to prove that, even so he wasn’t a women, he was certainly qualified for the job .


    He went on searching for another kindergarten where he could teach. Months passed and no school would accepted him because nobody really believed that he , as a man , would want to have a so called ” woman’s job “ .


    But Edgar kept searching and eventually he got the opportunity he deserved.


    Afraid of being questioned again of his abilities to be a good kindergarten teacher, he had a conversation with all of the students parents, in which he explained them that no job should be denied to someone because of their gender .


    Edgar made his best efforts and devoted himself to do the job he was passionate about .


    Chapter 3(by Hercules Kokkosis and Nikοs Sotiropoulos)


        And eventually his efforts paid off. After he spoke to the kid’s parents, he felt relieved as they agreed to give him a shot. The children liked him instantly. However as the day went by, things got out of hand. Most of the children were in confusion since they had never been in a situation like this before. That’s why those little children were crying and yelling all the day and they were asking for their families. Edgard didn’t know what to do. He wasn’t prepared for a situation similar to this one. That same night he was trying to solve out this issue. Edgard stayed awake in order to figure out how to behave on the children. The following day at school, he gathered all the students calmly and presented himself, in order to get to know with his students and  make them feel comfortable. Then, he had conversations with each one student and learned a lot about their characters and what they like to do. He peacefully explained what they will do at the kindergarten and assured them that there was nothing to fear of, neither getting anxious or nervous. Soon after Edgard was bonded with his students and they loved him. They were like friends. The children were very happy each day at school and they were having very quality and pleasant time with their male teacher. Edgard had also created friendly relationships with their parents and he was loveable by everyone, by tearing up the prejudice of a male teacher at kindergarten.


    CHAPTER 4 (by Mišela Subotina and Luīze Bortiņa- LV)

    Next morning I woke up with my head on the table. Yes, all this story was just a dream. In reality I am just like every third person on the Earth. I work in office from 8a.m. till 6 p.m. In the morning I drive my children to school, then I hurry to work, in the evening I usually finish all of my half-done paperwork and then I go to bed and sleep. This is how my life goes… It`s like mad carousel. I even don`t have time to have dinner together with my family. I can`t remember last time when we went somewhere together.

    Always think before you decide what are you going to do in future. The most important thing is- CHOOSE WHAT YOU LIKE THE MOST. Do not decide to be someone your family or friends want you to be. People choose their profession in many ways. Some people make their childhood dream profession come true. Other group of people decide for one or another profession accidentally. And of course there are people who have carefully and seriously thought about their future career.