Year 2 - Woundscape activities

  • Here is the video, a Mannequin Challenge production, shot by the French team. It is a joint reflection on the trauma experienced by migrants, when dealing with integration and inclusion in our society.

    The French pupils try first to figure out and then reflect, in body gestures, how to illustrate and make this trauma visible to bystanders.

    In Guadalajara, our Joining Hands group was part of a wider effort (8 others NGOs and solidarity organizations tood part) to the documentary "La Cocina de Las Patronas" (The Godmothers' Kitchen) showing the solidarity efforts of a group of women providing food to Central American migrants on their way to a better future in the USA.

    We also...

    IIS L. da Vinci-Nitti

    In February 2019 the Joining Hands students took part in the workshop "Woundscapes" coordinated by two teachers of Art History and Philosophy. First they analysed paintings by Michelangelo, Raffaello, Bernini, Géricault and Banksy. Then there was a debate on the vocabulary and feelings connected with migration such as homo viator, journey, asylum seeker, refugee. Finally, the students were told to alter the reproductions of paintings using a bottle of white paint in order to convey different feelings such as empathy, hope, the loss of identity or the sense of belonging.