Our project has finally come to an end! Over the past 7 months, our pupils have been actively involved in an effective learning process which has engaged their motivation and creativity to study the Earth and natural features through the use of new technologies.

    A number of webtools and apps have been used both to learn in class and create digital materials (texts, news articles, PPT presentations, videos...). It is interesting to see how the same materials/topics have been used differently by the two partner countries in order to fulfil the same tasks and successfully complete the sections of the end product.  

    It was really hard to choose the best works to be published on the e-magazine. For this reason, in addiction to specific content sections, we have decided to publish all PPT presentations and earthquake apps through Padlet links. The e-magazine also tells about the learning process and the different steps we have taken to introduce innovative teaching methodologies into class. 

    Pupils have learned Science/Geography through direct application, linking it to their National Curriculum and have used English as a means of communication in real life by interacting within an international learning environment. Added to this, they have gained teamworking skills and actively contributed to creating the final product in collaboration with the partner school

    This is our interactive e-magazine


    Here you can watch a video to flick through the pages automatically: 

    We are really pleased with the result; in fact, at the beginning of this long learning journey this would go far beyond our greatest expectations! 

    We have been given the National Quality Labels (both countries) and the European Quality LabelR Sloan presented the project at a professional development workshop in Belfast on 15th November 2018.

    The collaboration and the efforts coming from both ends have been absolutely awesome, so a HUGE thank you everyone for all your hard work. We hope you have enjoyed this eTwinning experience and we are looking forward to working with each other again!