• Students from each school will be working both in groups and in class on the Earth, natural disasters and famous natural features relevant to their local areas. Students will discuss topic-related news stories and they will be guided through lessons. Apps and tools will be incorporated into the activities to stimulate creativity, provide a common study background and foster the use of ICT in class to carry out collaborative tasks.
    The project will involve Italian students aged 13/14 and Irish students aged 14/15. 

    5 collaborative tasks will be set towards the making of an e-magazine which will include all students' multimedia products and document the learning experience of both countries. 

    • TASK 1: Students will write a short story about a journey to the centre of the Earth. The best ones will be shared with the partners and published on the e-magazine. 
    • TASK 2: The Italian students will be teaching the Irish students about Mount Etna through exchanging interviews and by creating a factfile on the case study. The Irish students will also share their knowledge about tectonic activity in Northern Ireland and use the Giant’s Causeway as a case study example.
    • TASK 3: Students will prepare questions about each other's famous natural features and interview each other during a live chat session on the TwinSpace. 
    • TASK 4: Both schools will play Kahoot quizzes to check knowledge and understanding of topic. 
    • TASK 5: Students will create an earthquake app to help people in case of an emergency. 

     Students will get to know each other and periodically share information through using the eTwinning space and by using chat/video links.




    • To get to know each other
    • To improve students’ motivation in the classroom by using the Twinspace
    • To learn Geography/Science through topic work and use English as a means of communicating in real life with students from Sicily and Northern Ireland
    • To integrate the use of new technologies e.g. Padlet into learning
    • To work together towards the creation of an e-magazine as the end product to 1) compare and contrast examples of tectonic activity in Sicily and Northern Ireland, 2) explore famous natural features of both countries, 3) gain awareness of the importance of sustainable development goals and natural risk prevention 
    • to improve reading/writing skills in L1/L2 
    • To promote working in teams, sharing responsibilities, solving problems and negotiating to reach decisions in common
    • To develop critical thinking skills in the research, selection and organisation of information relevant to the topic
    • To develop the self-confidence, self-motivation of pupils. 


    - Starting project in October 2017
    - Ongoing work within each month
    - Communication via email, Skype and Google Drive document
    - Schedule of 5 planned tasks for students on the Twinspace, with forum set up and folders with key information e.g. key learning objectives, project steps (Padlet), project timeline with key dates.
    - pupils involved through collaborative activities on the Twinspace, pupils will be preparing documents for tasks using apps e.g. Padlet, Kahoot and Microsoft/Google documents. Pupils will work on group tasks for sharing information for each group of students to learn about on the topic of natural disasters. 


    A TwinSpace showing interaction, improved use of ICT skills and geographical knowledge and understanding of topic for the students. Sharing results of similar activities. 
    A final e-magazine with the proposed content based on webtools: 


    - ABOUT US

    -HAZARDS AND PREVENTIONS: what to do in case of natural disasters (earthquake apps); sustainable development goals 

    -PHOTO/VIDEO SECTIONS - multimedia content + e-magazine logo competition