E-magazine guidelines

  • The final product of this project will be an amazing e-magazine! You will be working in class and at home to create articles/materials (TASK 1-5) that will all contribute to the CONTENTS of our e-magazine. Here are some guidelines to follow: 

    - To start with, we will need to find a great name for the e-magazine and choose the logo (see logo competition) that best represents the project.

    - Over the following weeks, your teachers will ask you to carry out some tasks and share the results on the TwinSpace. Each time we will select the best materials to go on the different e-magazine  SECTIONS, so try your best! 

    - You will be asked to work on each section of the e-magazine while going through the activities. 

    - You will be assigned a specific role in your group/class, so remember to:

    • Contribute
    • Stay on task
    • Stick to deadlines
    • Help and encourage each other
    • Share ideas
    • Solve problems
    • Give and accept feedback from peers
    • Use the TwinSpace to interact with your partners