
  •  You are used to working on the internet, using your computer or your mobile in a natural way but ... are you aware of  e-safety? 

    ​It is essential to pay attention to what you do on the web, and never forget that respect is the most important thing.

    Please have a look at the following information. It will help you be a better digital citizen ;)

    digital citizenship

    nine elements

    after reading both documents... get ready to become a teacher and prepare some activities for your partners. To make things easier, let's follow these guidelines:

    1. Spanish students will prepare questions to answer on elements 1 to 9
    2. ​Greek students will prepare true/false sentences  on elements 1 to 9
    3. ​Spanish students will write sentences to complete on elements 1-3-5-7-9
    4. Greek students will write sentences to complete on elements 2-4-6-8
    5. Both Greek and Spanish will try to find videos, posters, ads that could be used to talk about e-safety
    6. ​both Greek and Spanish will write a possible situation and ask for advice or opinion, which will be given by your partners

    ​Use the padlet below to upload all the previous activities.





    Celebrating esafety day Greek students prepared posters and infographics with useful information to share in the school community. We also prepared a padlet and invited colleagues from other countries to share with us their esafety tips and suggestions.