10. Rules for responsible use of technology

  • Recognizing a problem is the first step to fixing it-awareness is critical. Let's think about some principles or coping mechanisms to create a better digital experience. You will collaborate in your national groups and come up with THE RULES FOR RESPONSIBLE USE OF TECHNOLOGY visualised in form of Infographic.


    1) Discuss and vote in the TRICIDER. Try to recap the ideas from the TED talks video and survey conclusions about the dangers of technology together with suggested tips and solutions.

    Voting for the best ideas on Tricider will take place at the end of the activity, wait till each team has had the opportunity to contribute and your teacher tells you to do so!



    2) In national groups:

    Vote and choose the best ideas in Tricider. To present the top tips Each country will use one of these design apps to share your ideas visually - produce a beautiful, list-based graphic:






    Create your own team account. You will need to share the login and password with the members of your team (on your team's page). Give your infographic your team's name when you save it (team 1, team 2, etc), so that your team-mates can find it easily and contribute to it.   

    Remember, this is a collaborative effort in national groups!