12. Spin the wheel and create!

  • Technology - Love it or hate it?  In this final creative effort and you will have a chance
    to express yourselves through audio, video and presentations. This way we will promote 
    responsible and positive use of digital technology for teenagers.
    All your creative works will be included in the final production - A teenager's survival guide. 
    Play your part in making the most of the tech potential and creating a better digital experience 
    for all young Europeans. Foster your creativity and make sure your ideas are heard and seen!

    Take up the following creative challenge:
    A) Work in international teams again. Tasks will be assigned by drawing (wheel of fortune).There are 10 creative task for 10 teams so don't forget to click "remove" after you spin the wheel and pick your task.

    Creating your production, you can use all the conclusions of the project (page 4, 8,9, 10)

    B) Finally, you will offer feedback and vote for the best productions. 

    Each team will pick one specific creative task on the topic of digital technology use by young people:

    You will help people understand the importance of technology to teenagers and how they are spending their time online but the main purpose is to raise awareness of hidden dangers of tech and suggest possible ways to reach a healthy ballance.

    Use the multimedia (combination of text-image-audio-video(animation) to make your production more attractive.

    The production should be created by your team, not only by a national group.

    Plan how you are going to share responsibilities and include all the members of your team.

    Make sure you update your team-mates on your progress and tell them when your part is done!




    1) Radio programme / podcast to discuss or present the issues and suggest possible solutions over the airwaves .

    1a) A radio drama.play= 3 components: the human voice, music and sound effects , uses the power of imagination and suggestivity.

    1b) Phone-in programme- interactive programme where the listener and the presenter talkto each other. Theit talk goes on air instantly. A call-in is a radio format that gives many listeners an opportunityto comment live on a topic of interest.


    2) TV chat show - collaboratively write a script,  the parts filmed in  the 4 countries and montaged together as one production (background music added)


    3) Video co-productions (Country A and B: records and uploads a film => Country C: records voice-over to match the scenes =>  Country

         D: adds background music with sound effects 


    4) "Losing it for a day" - Students imagine a day when technology failed or caused a disaster in their lives (computer crashed, mobile got

        stolen, etc.) How did it change your lives?  Students  work together and write a scrips, record the scenes in 4 countries and montage all

        the scenes together as one film, adding music and sound effects. You can add subtitles using Amara or other tools.


    5a) "Before we lived life in front of a screen" - students use their imagination and create a film on life without technology. How was it

           different? Did you enjoy it?

    5b) "Before / after videos" - to show a problem before and after you used suggested solutions.


    6)  A Video appeal for a change -  students create a response to the problem of overdependence on technology, like an appeal for a

        change: How? a collaborative script, a few actors per country and in the end all scenes montaged together, music + sound effects.


    7) "A screen free challenge"-documentary :  the 4 country members in a team unplaug all their devices  for 1 hour a day. Later they 

          report back how it went.


    8) How to... Video tutorials:

    - How to improve our digital life,

    - How to tell somebody that they are ovedependent on tech or social media.     

    - How to make the most of digital technology, How to reach a balance between humanity and technology, ...

    - Dos and don'ts of technology


    9) Presentations text- picture-sound (Adobe Spark Video, Canvas)


    10) A poem, a song, an interactive game (Kahoot, Learning Apps, Quizzlet) or collaboratively created Haikus, cinquain poems or free verse poems, Blackout poetry (tool: MeetingWords)


    11) Graphic short story, comix ( makebelievescomix, superlame, storyboardthat, bitstrips, pixton)
