Team 2. Tech wizards

  • Andrzej, Gregory

    Marika, Nina

    Lucian, Aimen

      Barbora, Tereza K.

    ~Use your Team's Page to work collaboratively on the tasks.
    ~Use your Team's Forum to communicate with your team-mates and update them on work progress.



    Come up with at least 10 possitive / bad effects of technology per group. Each national group/pair should

    use different colours: Poland, Ireland, Italy, Czechia

    Make a selection of the best 5 to get them inserted onto TRICIDER. Try to avoid repetition.

    ..Keep your team-mates updated about your work progress on  Team Forum

    Benefits(+)  and negative impact of technology (-)


    The argument s which score most points will go on Tricider

    Each team member can only use 5 votes!

    o o o o o

    (-) You can get addicted to your mobile, you have to check it every few minutes


    (-) virtual communication ruins real face to face relationship

     o o

    (-)you can be victim of cyberbullying


    (-)there are a lot of illegal sites. So you risk to do illegal actions without being aware

    oo o o o o o

    (-)Some sites may contain dangerous viruses that can infect your device


    (-)Some sources may be outdated or inaccurate


    (-)Inappropriate sites or content (pornographic, gore images)


    (-)You can get addicted from using internet constantly


    (-)Children at a young age are too dependent on using technology


    (+)You can take some photo


    (+)Faster communitation


    (+)Snugger communitation


    (+) Smartphone is mobile source of informations that can come in handy


    (+) With mobile you can buy online, or order food from anywhere without any queues


    (-) Can be too depended on your phone for schoolwork,homework etc.


    (+)Gives you Information about other things happening throughout the world


    (+) Can communicate with anyone throughout the world with the use of mobile phones, computers etc...


    (+)you can share your idea


    (+)there are no distances