Sounds and music

  • Pupils are going to explore and record sounds of the castle and they are going to post them on the padlet below. Also they are going to explore songs about the castle, sing them and post them on the padlet.


    Here is the song about our castle sung by our school choir, through sound cloud.


                                                       O RIA`S CASTLE ``The story``


    There are many legends and myths about the Greek castles but If you want my opinion this is the most interesting.So let the story begin.Once upon a time there was a very beautiful and rich castle with a lot of gold in its warehouses.The Turkish soldiers tried to conquer it but in vain because the soldiers who protected it were very brave.Among the Turkish there was a young boy who was very brilliant.He came up with an idea. He wore old ,torn clothes ,he put a pillow on his belly and pretended to a pregnant woman. He told the Turkish soldiers to follow him in a distance and knocked the gate of the castle. The guard asked:`Who is it?` Then the boy answered:`Open the gate please,Iam a pregnant poor woman and I need a place to stay.Iam very tired and I need something to eat.`The guard who felt pity for the pregnant girl opened the gate and then something terrible happened. Thousands of Turkish soldiers rushed into the castle. The brave Greek  fought like lions but the enemy was stronger so the castle was conquered. This is the end of the  story about Oria`s castle. I hope you enjoy it.





    Here are the sounds that we have recorded at our "sound walk" around the castle!!! You can hear them, through sound cloud!!!

    Polish traditional song about our country and Wawel Castle. Monika Wilkosz


    On this padlet below we can upload traditional songs of our countries!!