Un monumento natural / A natural landmark

  • The Landmarks, by their pure existence, structure environments, form cognitive anchors, markers, or reference points for orientation, wayfinding and communication. They appear in our sketches, in descriptions of meeting points or routes, and as the remarkable objects of an environment in tourist brochures. With all their significance for spatial cognition and communication, landmarks play important role and are significant for our cultural indentity.

    IV Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Mikołaja Kopernika w Rzeszowie

    The Tatra National Park

    El Parque Nacional de Tatra es uno de los mayores parques nacionales de Polonia. Fue reconocido por la UNESCO como reserva de la biosfera. El clima aquí es específico, bajas temperaturas, vientos fuertes, grandes cantidades de precipitaciones. La flora del Parque está compuesta por 1000 especies de plantas vasculares. El  animal característico de esta zona es la gamuza, símbolo del parque. En el Parque Nacional Tatra se encuentra el pico más alto de Polonia - Rysy. La mayor atracción turística es el lago post-glaciar, Morskie Oko.

    The Tatra National Park is one of the largest national parks in Poland. It was recognized by UNESCO as a biosphere reserve. The climate here is specific, low temperatures, strong winds, large a mounts of precipitation. The flora of the Tatras National Park is made up of 1000 species of vascular plants. The characteristic animal of this zone is the chamois, symbol of the park and the marmot. In the Tatra National Park there is Poland's highestpeak - Rysy. The biggest tourist attraction is the post-glacial lake, Morskie Oko.


    Vasil Levski Comprehensive School


    The Krushùna Falls (Krushùnski Vodopàdi as they are pronounced in Bulgarian) are a karst cascade located near the village of Krushùna, some 34 km from the historical town of Lovech in north-central Bulgaria. The falls, located in an area known as Maarata, are the biggest travertine cascade in the country, unique with its picturesque scenery, lush vegetation, numerous round-shaped terraces and small natural pools with mineral water. The main waterfall is about 20 m high and it splits into several smaller ones along its way down the soft limestone rocks. There is a path that allows visitors to go up the river and get to the spring of the waterfall hidden in a cave. Along the way there are steps and bridges so that one can get the best views of the cascades, pools and mossy rocks.

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    Another site that you should not miss while you are in the area is the picturesque Devetàshka Cave, just a few kilometres away along the main road.

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    Our visit in Krushùna Falls and Devetashka cave 

    Krushuna Waterfalls- BG

    Krushuna Waterfalls-EN

    Las cataratas Krushuna- ES