Una persona famosa / The celebrity- a famous person

  • Here we will present information and curious facts about famous people , who have had an impact on our culture and are a role model for young people

    Famous people have an astounding effect on the lives of young people in our society. A role model has the ability to shape the views, ideals, and actions of a young person. Role models help youth to discover how they wish to become in the future. The influence that role models have over young people is tremendous. It is important for role models to be positive and responsible in instilling good morals and values because future generations are directly dependent on the role models of today. 

    IV Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Mikołaja Kopernika w Rzeszowie

    Polish sport proffesionalist – Robert Lewandowski

    Nació en Varsovia el 21 de agosto de 1988, Lewandowski es un futbolista polaco que juega como delantero centro y su equipo actual es el Bayern de Múnich dela Bundesliga de Alemania. Es internacional absoluto con la selección de Polonia, del cual es el capitán y máximo goleador histórico. Considerado con frecuencia por algunos medios de comunicación como uno de los mejores delanteros del mundo, es el noveno máximo goleador de la historia del campeonato alemánSe unen al registro de ser el suplente que más goles marcó tras ingresar a un partido como sus cuatro récord Guinness reconocidos.

    Born in Warsaw in 21 August 1988, Lewandowski is a Polish footballer, who plays as a striker for Bayern Munich and is the captain of the Poland national team, also polish top goalscorer in history. He frequently is regarded by some media as one of the best strikers in the world, he is the ninth highest goalscorer in the history of German championship. They joined the record of being the substitute who scored the most goals after entering a match as his four recognized Guinness records.

    Maria Salomea Skłodowska-Curie

    Nació en Varsovia el 7 de noviembre de 1967, fue una de las más famosas científicas europeas. Anunció la teoría de la radiactividad y descubrió dos nuevos elementos químicos: radio y polonio. Por sus descubrimientos en química obtuvó el premio Nobel de Física de 1903 compartido con con su marido Pierre Curie y el físico Henri Becquerel. Años después, ganó en solitario el premio Nobel de química de 1911.

    Born in Warsaw on the 7 November of April 1967, Skłodowska-Curie was one of the most famous european scientifics. She published the teory of radiation and described two new elements: radium and polonium. For her research in chemistry she gained the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1903 together with her husband Pierre Curie and physicist Henri Bequerel. After few years, in 1911, she got the Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

    Vasil Levski Comprehensive School- Troyan, Bulgaria

    Ivan Hadjiiski
    The born in Troyan Ivan Hadjiiski is one of those Bulgarians that we must remember and take pride in. He has lived in the first half of the 20th century and is one of the founders of the modern sociology. After putting a lot of energy, enthusiasm and love into studying his own people he writes and tells about the life of the Bulgarians in the book ‘’ The manner of life of our nation’’.
    So that Hadjiiski can support his life-work with facts he makes his ‘’web’’ from correspondents all around the country, who pile up information for him. The sociologist travels around the country, finds documents, talks to people. After researching , Ivan Hadjiiski finds out that Bulgarians tend to underestimate themselves and ‘’are ready to do anything for a piece of bread’’. As the main obstacle for the Bulgarians he says: ‘’ The famous illness here- the envy. Illness of the average, of the unsuccessful owner of the moral and material prosperity, which has turned every mouth into a press that only chews bile and explodes.’’ The betrayal is decisive for the pessimistic view of the Bulgarians or as Hadjiiski calls it ‘’the waiting nation’’.
    Ivan Hadjiiski describes his book as the work of his life, saying: ‘’ I have done my duty for the literature by writing this issue. I cannot write anything else. This is my life.’’ The book is published in two volumes, the third is handwritten and is unknown and unpublished. 
    After the beginning of the SWW he sociologist is called-up. During his post he manages to finish the third part. After 09.09.1944 he volunteers into joining the war against Germany. He dies as a researcher in Serbia. 
    In his birth town, Troyan, the oldest school is called after him. Also there is a monument that is devoted to his work and every year on the 13th October we celebrate his life and the contribution of this eminent Bulgarian to Bulgarian sociology.

    Ivan Hadjiiski- BG 


    The famous person fromEggenfelden,  Germany is: