Scoala Gimnaziala Gheorghe Magheru Caracal

  • The school is a medium sized school with a number of about 530 students enrolled in pre-school, primary and secondary courses and 30 teachers, most of them with higher education and academic degrees. Caracal is a small town with about 28,000 inhabitants, situated in a plain area, economically underdeveloped, located in the South West of Romania, Oltenia Region. In recent years young families’ percentage in the total population number dropped down due to lack of jobs, it has increased the number of unemployed parents and, consequently, many students come from families with very low social and material status. Also, some of the former workers have left the town in search of jobs in the country or abroad, many of them leaving their children in the care of relatives, or a single parent. Therefore, there is a downward trend in family care for children evolution in terms of behavior and education. They also have some children with physical or intellectual difficulties, integrated into teams of different classes, or students who are less motivated for school, like Roma children who drop out of school at the age of 10-12 years. The school tries to ensure equal opportunities, bringing learning to students and students to learning, and through participation in European educational projects, through collaboration and interaction with other European schools, students, teachers and parents can learn more, build capacities and experiences leading to the development of a quality education.