• Petkim Primary school was named by Petkim Petrokimya Holding AS General Directorate.In 1980-1981 academic year, the school started with 5 classrooms and 80 students. In the year of 1997, with the increase of the class numbers because  of 8 years of primary education, the school had to have an additional building.In 2003, by the Petkim Petrokimya Holding an additional building with 8 classrooms,1 science laboratory,teachers' room and toilets were built.The canteen building which was built by Petkim started to be active in 2012. 
    The school is a public school,aims to reach its educational goals as a result of strong tides within the schools culture.The school has 19 elementarr education classrooms, a preschool education classroom , a mental games laboratory, an enriched library,a canteen and a big garden which has many kinds of trees and plants.
    In the school there is one 1 headmaster, 1 assistant head master, 18 elementary school teachers ,2 preschool teachers, 1 English teacher. The number of the students is 560 and there are 19 classrooms in the school.