Hasbi Sengul Ilkokulu

  • The school was founded in 1996-1997 academic year and established in İzmir , Aliağa/Yenişakran district . It is also located on the coastline.The land of  school belongs to Reşat ŞENGÜL. The name of the school was Hasbi Sengul Elementary School because he had the help of land and money on behalf of his father. 
    The  school has a conference hall with the capacity of 150 in total, 1 library,1 canteen, 1 additional building with the capacity of 8 classroom, 1 English class  and  totally we have 12 classroom and 1 Special education class, 1 nursery class. There is full time (09:00-15 :00)education in our school and There are 16 teachers, 1 manager, 1 asisstant manager, 200 students in the school. 
    The socio ecomomic statutes of the familes are middle income.  Most of the students spend their times after school with social activities, sports. The interest of the families in their kids' education is not enough but ,satisfiable. 
    Our school is surrounded with a large garden and the conditions of the school ,provides suitable basis for the realisation of the project.
    Our goal is to reach transparent, participatory, sharing people in management. To provide services in all fields of education for all the individuals who are constantly developing on the way, interacting with the family to increase the quality of education and development.
    We had also a  project in 2013-2015 called " let a smile be your umbrella" with Italy, England,Norway,Portugal,Spain, Greece and Lithuanian
    In order to strengthen the reading habit of our school, "Book Worm project is being done. Also students are selected every month and rewarded with medals to reinforce positive behaviors.