Flipgrid links by Mariella:
Twitter moments
September 2017
⚡️ “Be the Change,Take the Challenge” by @bar_zie
October 2017
December 2017
January 2018
February 2018
March 2018
SDGs Twitter Chats
April 2018
May 2018
June 2018
Live Events
Teachers connected through PD Live Events on eTwinning and shared the information on the Teacher's board and Twitter. These are the webinar related to the project.

eTwinning Seminars and PDWs


Thanks to Move2Learn,Learn2Move Swedish students and teachers had the chance to meet Italian students and teachers in Gubbio, Italy. Experiences and new friendships were formed.

Global Teacher Prize
The coordinator Barbara A. Zielonka was nominated as one of the best 10 teachers in the world.

MSFTEduChat TweetMeets
On Tuesday February 20th at 10am PST Microsoft Education is organizing one of their monthly #MSFTEduChat TweetMeets, this time about Literacy in celebration of the Month of Literacy.
This is a great opportunity to get the word out about connecting literacy to the Sustainable Development Goals!
Here are two things you can do:
1. Promote the event to your followers and other people in your networks. You can use the three images attached to this message for that. Be sure to use the hashtags #MSFTEduChat, #TeachSDGs, and #SkypeClassroom. Feel free to forward this email message to others.
2. Participate actively in the event by responding to and engaging with other participants. Prepare your own answers to the discussion questions and send these out when the questions go live.
- Posted by Barbara Anna Zielonka, 18.02.20
Join us on the. 17th of April!
Skjermbilde 2018-04-02 kl. 20.34.26.png
- Posted by Barbara Anna Zielonka, 02.04.2018
Dear partners,
We participate to Digitalis Temahet, and we have chosen to promote our SDG activities on it. Therefore, we are inviting you all to participate to a Slow Twitter Chat, between 11-13 April 2018. There are 3 questions:
Q1: Why use Web 2.0 tools to teach about Sustainable Development Goals?
Q2: What tools would you recommend for collaborating on learning about SDGs and why?
Q3: Tell the world about your project on SDGs.
Please, use these hashtags: #dthcnpr and #digitalistemahet, and, of course, the ones of your project/activities.
We would be so happy to have your contribution too.
Best regards,
Marika Emese Cîmpean
(P.S. Returning from Easter Holidays tomorrow... We will finish the rest of our tasks by the end of next week).
all the questions.jpg
- Posted by CÎMPEAN MARIKA EMESE, 10.04.2018