
  • What is it?


    Daytripper2 is a free app that you can use to value the results of an international mobility.

    You will be able to make a journal of your experiences, with selfreflexion on the competencies it involves.

    Then you'll be able to make these experiences a story that you can publish on the web or as a PDF to print a poster.

    It is especially usefull during internships or mobilities, as it makes it easy to communicate the highlights of an experience to other people (friends, classmates, teachers, ....) or to report about your experience in front of an audience.

    It can be used also in class, to report about an experiment in science classes, or about a visit, an exhibition, .....

    His designer is named Clément Dupuis, he is french, friendly, very involved in European obilities and ethic values, and you'll find him easily on the internet.