
    In this project take part 7 Nation: TURKEY, LATVIA, BULGARIA, ROMANIA, ITALY, GERMANY, POLAND


    žProject priorities:

     -  Motherless, fatherless children

     -  children whose parents are divorsed

     - Antisocial and intravorted children

     - Children whose families are in finansal difficulty

     - Children who have antisocial personality disorders


    žStudents activities:

     - to dance, sing, paint

     - to learn other cultures

     - to go to Cinema / Theatre

     - to play Games

     - to write Poetry / History

    - to grow up plant

    Teachers activities:

     - Facebook, Skype, E-Twinning, Website.

    - Educationally Aims

     - Methods

     - Evaluation

    Project – aims – „Child is a everywhere a child  - every child needs love and affection

    žSozializing Students
    žAccepting themselves
    žStrengthening the communication abilities
    žGaining ability to solve problems
    žGaining personal responsibility
    žSupporting education
    žSupporting the language  English 
    žFirst meeting – Italy: 06 November – 11 November  2016
    Second meeting – Romania: 26 March – 1 April 2017
    Third meeting – Latvia: 09 May  - 11 May 2017
    Fourth meeting – Germany: 09 October – 13 October  2017
    Fifth meeting - Poland: 19 March- 23 March  2018
    Sixth meeting- Turkey: 7 May- 11 May 2018

    Participating schools

    Turkey: Tokat Merkez Fatih Ilkokulu

    Romania: Scoala Gimnaziala "Zaharia Stancu"

    Poland: Szkola Podstawowa w Rekusach

    Bulgaria: Primary school "Hristo Botev" Brenitsa

    Germany: "Leonardo da Vinci Gesamtschule, Hückelhoven

    Latvia: Adazi Secondary school

    Italy: Istituto Comprensivo G. Segantini, Asso


    Expected results


    • Going to the cinema and theatre: It will bring in experience richness to the students who have heard about the names but couldn’t go into  such an environment before.

    • Cultural expeditions: It will bring in experience richness to the students who have heard about the names but couldn’t go into  such an environment before and it will improve the motivation.

    • Sports activities: With the help of the sports activities, these students who have difficulties in making friends, will develop friendly relationships and sense of belonging to a group.

    • Local games, Drama and theatre activities: With the help of these  activities, these students who have difficulties in making friends will realize that they are helpful for their friends when they participate in a group, and thanks to this, their self-confidence will be improved.  Communication of self-assured  individuals with their friends and their environment will be more healthy.

    Bringing in experience and activitiy richness, these events will provide a contribution to socialize students who participate in the necessary life activities ,social and cultural activities insignificantly.


    2- ACCEPTING THEMSELVES AS A NORMAL INDIVIDUAL OF THE SOCIETY : ( Psychological education and support)

    * If they have negative emotions about the society or other people, we will support them to get assistance from our physicological counsellors,so that their negative  feelings will be minimalized

    * They will become conscious about the fact that neither themselves nor the other individuals in the society are guilty about the reasons of their unfavourable family problems.

    * It will be easier for the students, who come from the different countries and have some problems such as language or cultural dissimilarities, to live harmoniously in a friendship environment.



    * The migrant students who have  difficulties in speaking their livin country language  will be minimalized by means of language courses.

    * These students ,who have low ability to communicate, will strenghten their communication abilities with the help of the activities such as local child plays, theatre, drama, sports activities.