• DECEMBER/JANUARY - ice-breaking activities

    PAGE 1. Students fill in their profiles, read their partners' profiles, discuss in forum #1

    PAGE 2. Students write collaboratively a netiquette

    PAGE 3. Students design and vote for a logo for the project

    PAGE 4. Seasons' greetings

    FEBRUARY - Team up

    PAGE 5. Brainstorming : topics we'd like to dicuss

    PAGE 6. The national groups introduce themselves; partner-finding activity.

    PAGE 7. Eight international teams are created (each team is assigned a SUB-PAGE)

    MARCH - Be nosy: interviews

    PAGE 8. Students interview their team-mates and are interviewed by their team-mates (team work on team sub-pages)

    APRIL Radio script-writing 

    PAGE 9.

    - Teachers give some input on the specificities of the radio / how to write a script

    - Students use and organise the answers they got from their team-mates to write their radio scripts on collaborative pads

    MAY - Radio recording, broadcasting and project evaluation

    PAGE 9. Recording and editing of the radio programmes

    PAGE 10. Broadcasting and peer-reviewing

    PAGE 11. Project evaluation


    + PAGE 12. Some snapshots taken over the months working together!