Casares Short Stories

  • Casares was a well-known Galizian writer, renowned due to major works like Xoguetes para un tempo prohibido (title that we could translate as “Toys for a forbidden time”) or his last novel O sol do verán (“The Sun of the summer”).

    1950’s were decades when Galician literature focused on traditional items and Magic Realism. However, Casare’s works inscribe themselves on revolutionary novel techniques (interior monologue) and themes that presented marginal characters dealing with absurd situations. Its aim: denouncing the repression suffered by the Spanish society due to the Civil War and under Franco’s dictatorship.  

    Our approach to his fiction work is going to be through some of his first short stories, published as a recollection work:  Vento ferido (“Wounded Wind”). We will read Casares short stories: Vou quedar cego (“I’ll be blind”), O Xudas (The Judas) and A rapaza do circo (“The circus girl”).

    You could also have another approach on the following website (hosted by the University of Vigo):