
  • There is the time of carnivals. Hooray!

    So we all had to do a very important activity: to create masks for our European partners, we can friends. For all 4 partners. 

    And send them by ordinary post. 

    We were drawing, painting, cutting,...

    The results - a lot of beautiful masks. We were sending them to each other waiting for the packets from our partnership schools. They came and we created international collages. 

    Only in Slovakia all participants created international collage in the meeting because they exchanged the masks personally here. 

    Meeting in Slovakia

    OUR MASKS...

    Everyone chose one animal for trick or treat.

    This is how we learned about animals, made our masks and have fun!

    Carnival by Slidely Photo Gallery

    We created masks for our friends. We exchanged them during the meeting in Slovakia. Then we created the collage of masks.