Disemination activities

  • Dissemination is very important part of our project, of our cooperation. We all want the most of parents, grandparents, regional schools, authorities and community know about our project.

    In each school there is the project corner where pupils can display all results, information about progress and from meetings. 

    We created project website, link to which is published in each school website. 

    Pupils work also in twinspace where they can watch and comment all results. 

    Teachers created  facebook group Let's play and learn together to communicate easier

    Each school is writing some articles and publishing in local media - newspaper.

    In some schools also national TV stations have done some reportages about our project and results, outcomes and impact to school. 

    Each school realized several Project Days, Erasmus Days, exhibitions to inform parents and community about project and all goals and impact. 

    Web page                                                                                                     

    Click on picture!                                                                                             


    Facebook group

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