Interviews(questions for students, parents and teachers & answers)

  • In a democratic school the students, the teachers and the parents interact!

    We want to see what are the priorities in our schools for this year.

    So we decided to interview a) the president of te students school council, b) the president of the students class council, c) the president of the parents council, and of course d) the headteacher of our schools

    Questions for the intervews:

    a) Questions for the president of the students school council

    1. What are your goals for our scholl this year?
    2. Are you satisfied from the collaboration between you and the other members of the students school council?
    3. Does the students school council takes into account the opinions of all students of the school or only some students of the school can influece the councils decisions? 
    4. Are you satisfied by the collaboration between the students school council and the teachers?
    5. In wich way will you be different from the presidents of the school councilc in the past years?
    6. Do you find it necessary to establish a good collaboration with the president of the parents council?

    b) Questions for the president of the students class council

    1. What are your goals for our class this year?
    2. Do you believe that the collaboration between you and the other members of the students class council is good and effective?
    3. Do you believe that the students class council helps students to solve their class problems?
    4. In which ways are you going to make your plans (about our class) come true?
    5. Does the headteacher takes into account the suggestions of the students class council?

    c) Questions for the president of the parents council and of course

    1. What are your plans for this school year?
    2. How often do you meet other parents?
    3. Do you take into account the students' problems as they are expressed through the students' counsils?
    4. Would you like to have a more active role in our school life? In which ways?

    d) Questions for the headteacher of our schools

    1. Which are the school's priorities for the current school year? (2016-2017)
    2. Which are the main problems that our school is facing this year in your opininion? (2016-2017)
    3. Is there a constructive dialog between you and the student's councils?
    4. Do you believe that our school has all the necessary infrastructure for all its needs?
    5. Have you in mind to organise any special event this year?


    Interview with the students school president at General Lyceum of Eleoussa


    Interview with the students class president at the General Lyceum of Eleoussa

    Interview with the Headteacher at the General Lyceum of Eleoussa