A7- Our European World (tweets of visits/culture)

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                 Project Code: 2016-1-IT02-KA219-024291


    Activity:  A7- Our European World (tweets of visits/culture)


    Responsible country:    United Kingdom

    Month/Year:     June 2017


    1. To be completed by the end of July.

    2. Each school to share at least 4 pictures of any of the following:

    a) visits to places and landmarks in Europe (could be from the transnational meetings)

    b) photographs of ANYTHING that they thought showed their countries culture e.g. a national food, game, song, dance. If children travel abroad during the summer then they could also tweet about that country too!


    3. All schools to upload directly to twitter using:

    Account Name: erasmus@otheralikesame

    Email: Adele.calverley@stanley.blackpool.sch.uk

    password: erasmus


    4. Use the following hastags: #oureuropeanworld and either #UK/ITALY/SPAIN/ROMANIA/GREECE, @otheralikesame  and a caption of the name and/or importance of the landmark/visit/culture.


