A4-Festival-drama theater with themes from European and other cultures.

  • A4 - Feb-17 Spring Festival: drama theatre with themes from European and other cultures. (UK managed task)

    Monitoring Indicators:
    Each country to complete a 12 minute film about a traditional story from their own culture. It can include a range of theatre/performance styles. For example; songs, dances, acting and any other theatre techniques. Films will be shown during the Greece meeting in April-2017. They will be brought by each school to the visit on an MP3 stick. After the premier, the movies will need to be disseminated via the blog, website and e-twinning platform. The video links can be tweeted and shared via Facebook also.


    -each partner country to select a play who express moral-values as peace,friendship,kindness, hospitality, empathy.

    -dissemination this activity at school level, parents, grandparents,local community.

    -on the final create a Thinklink app map with all videos to create a Thinklink image with subject “Other,Alike ,The same”.

    -will be fun and useful using this app with pupils and teachers also.


    Italy presents a novel from Decameron, written by Giovanni Boccaccio, what is considered one of the most important works of literature of the European fourteenth century.
    The novel narrates the wit and the readiness of Chichibio (a cook) in turning to his advantage all difficult circumstances.
    It tells the way of being Italian and it's a traditional story of our culture.
    Italy team will complete a 12 minute film of drama theatre made by children.
