La visite d'Eva au lycée d'Arsonval

  • Eva G. is a teacher from our partner school in Lidingö.

    She is also a volunteer for Raoul Wallenberg Academy.

    On the eighteenth of November we met Eva for one hour and a half of first interaction with a new approach of education. It was really interesting because we learnt a lot of information about Raoul Wallenberg and values concerning ourselves in order to progress on our project about “make a difference”.


    She started with four words: opening, reflexion, emotion and dialogue and she asked us to think about which is the most important for a first meeting.


    What changed Raoul Wallenberg for ever


    He was on a train, the controller closed up the curtains, then he opened them and saw a little dead child who was thrown out of the opposite train, and a man ran to him, made an eye contact with Raoul before being executed by the SS.

     The feeling of sympathy he had probably changed him for the rest of his life. It was at this time that Raoul decided to help people.

    L’action de Raoul Wallenberg en Hongrie

    En 1944 Raoul Wallenberg a été recruté par la commission américaine des réfugiés de guerre pour voyager en tant que diplomate suédois à Budapest. A ce moment là, les Nazis avaient déjà envoyé plus de  435.000 Juifs de Hongrie jusqu’au camp de concentration d’Auschwitz. A Budapest il restait  230.000 juifs restreints à vivre dans certaines maisons et obligés de porter l’étoile jaune de David visible sur leurs vêtements. A Budapest, Wallenberg a produit des passeports protecteurs et il a mis à l’abri des juifs dans des bâtiments considérés comme appartenant au territoire Suédois. Ainsi, il a pu sauver des dizaines de milliers de vies juives.


    Eva came in our class and made a speech about our project and freedom. We talked about values. Eva gave us a green sheet with many values on it. There were three categories: Base, Epanouissement, Contribuer. We had to choose about twelve words/values which describe us. After that we had to share with a friend.

    This helps to learn more things about ourselves. The idea behind that is to know what is important to us and how eventually we can make a difference.

    When you come to Paris we will share about it with you.


    Eva taught us many interesting things, she told us about Raoul Wallenberg Academy and its goals :
          - it has existed for many years
          - improve the society
          - meet young people
          - Le "self leadership"

    Eva nous a aussi appris ce qu'est le modèle méta.

    Pour conclure, cette rencontre avec Eva était très intéressante. C'était une approche totalement nouvelle pour nous, c'était totalement différent de nos cours habituels. Il y a eu un réel dialogue entre Eva et nous les élèves, nous avons tous trouvé cela très original et nous avons tous adoré.


    Fait par les élèves de 1e S4