14. Croatia and Finland Skyped

  • Croatian and Finnish students had a Skype video call on March 28. The groups were smaller. My students felt it was like a chat with an old friend - they were relaxed, there was no "knees knocking" :). We talked about hobbies and things we like. Even the two teachers like the same music band.
    What did we learn?
    1 It was snowing in Raahe that day and Karojba had a nice spring day with 14 degrees C. And a typical winter day in Finland is freezing cold (-10 degrees C). This is usually one of the coldest days in an Istrian (Croatian seaside) winter.
    2 In Croatia, for Easter, people make sweet bread and colour the eggs using natural dye - onion peel. Typical Finnish Easter food is a kind of a rye pudding (Auli, please, fill in the name :) "The Easter treat here is called "mämmi." - says Auli.
    3 Letters in Finnish differ from the English and the Croatian alphabet, of course. We tried pronunciating some Finnish words and vice versa.
    4 In Croatian society, the Finnish educational system is highly-rated and used as a model for improvements. We compared the compulsory school subjects and school timetables.