• Dear Students,

    This module aims at familiarising you with the concept of how we see ourselves and how others could possibly do so.

    The issue of diversity has indeed been a red hot subject in our days; its cornerstone is Intellectual Empathy. Do we allow ourselves to be in the place of others? In other words, do we feel for them? Before we answer this question it is important to realise how we see ourselves and be aware of Intellectual Autonomy.

    Task 1: Look at the self-portrait by Judith Leyster; she was a 17th century Dutch painter.

    Try to answer the following questions:

    a) Why is the painter smiling?

    b) What is she like? Write some of her character traits.

    c) Why do you think she might be painting the picture?

    d) What is the dominant (most important) part of the painting?

    Task 2: Look at the second artifact.

    a) Can you guess what it is?

    b) How do you know?

    c) After your teacher gives you the answer, try to think how is it different from the impression you have of the topic the painting depicts?


    Task 3: Go back to our Introductory Module. In teams of three or four, choose a person of the partner school, read the description they have posted and create a picture of what the person is like. You don't have to use real pictures, just visit these free sites below and use "Be funky" to modify it. We hope you will enjoy it!

    Please, visit

    To avoid copyright issues, use the following websites:

    If you have problems finding a picture you like, you can create a QR code to describe your partners.

    Task 4: You have to comment something about heritage sites in Europe. You should choose one of these european historical sites:

    After, you have to explain the importance of this place as Europeans.


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    Watch this great video on Judith Leyster, her technique and her times created and uploaded in Khan Academy.


    you will find it useful!!!


    This word cloud summarises most of the  words that came up in the padlet about Judith Leyster.

    Her painting style was of the Baroque kind. She did want to attract potential customers as merchants were beginning to be interested in buying art.



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