About us

  • My hobby, My favourite subject, My future profession

    Natalia Gutaruk

    Teacher of English
    enjoy travelling, painting and meeting new people

    Martin Benikovský

    Teacher of Slovak and Civic, I like swimming, running, painting and Ukrainian. From subject I love foreign languages, music, sport, physic and geometry. I like to be a tramp or opera singer.

    Olívia Gvoždiaková

    I’m a hyperactive student of Spanish language. I love difficult literature and sad poems. Some of my countless hobbies are painting, drawing, baking, playing the guitar and writing. I also really love sports such as cycling, swimming, ski touring or bouldering. My favourite subjects are Slovak language and literature, Spanish literature and PE.

    Levadnyj Sashko

    Another student, who tries to learn languages and to study different cultures. There are playing games, reading or even writing something and doing videos among my hobbies.

    Zuzana Martiniaková

    My biggest passion is art. I admire fashion as well and I like to make my own clothes. I enjoy watching horror movies, horror series and reading horror books. Listening to rock and metal music while baking cakes is my therapy, but I truly enjoy it only when I´m baking for my friends and family. My favourite subjects are English and History. I haven´t fully decided what my future profession should be, because I can´t choose between criminology/psychology and fashion/design. Neverthless I hope I will make the right decision.


    I am student of spanish so I love Spain and spanish language. I also like to do pole dance and I like to meditate and spend some time with myself and I like to educate myself about crystals. My favorite subjects are spanish, history and civics as well. In my future I would like to study law or tourism, probably in Granada, so, I would like to become a lawyer.

    Kristína Kaločová

    I´m a student of the French section. I love to do something creative such as drawing or crocheting and I also love doing sports like slack-lining, frisbee or playing volleyball. Music accompanies me in everyday life and helps me to express different ideas better in my paintings. My favorite subject is French literature. Unfortunately, I don't know what my future profession will be, but since I like to play video games and I draw, I would like to create computer graphics for games.

    Daniel Mrázik

    I'm an average, phlegmatic student who should be spending way more time studying than he does now. Drawing is my passion. I also play the guitar and sing. I'm not a huge fan of sports but from time to time I go out on my skateboard. From subjects, I enjoy literature and french.

    Magdaléna Kocianová

    I'm student of Spanish, my favourite subjects are probably literature, arts and certain parts of history, as well as biology. I have no idea where my future will go yet. I love art, whether it's studying it, or creating something myself. Normally I also enjoy reading (mostly fantasy), many different kinds of music and relaxing outside in nature, but I'm not a fan of sports.

    Rudenko Ihor

    An ordinary student with unusual thoughts. A Ukrainian who studies English, interested in other cultures and adores dogs. My biggest hobbies are playing the guitar and trying to sing when no one hears :) I have dedicated most of my life to sports, namely football and wrestling.

    Masha Denysenko

    I'm just a student. I enjoy plaiyng chess and reading books. I admire sunsets, Carpathians and spring.

    Vika Kovtun

    I am a student, my hobbies are drawing and reading. I also like studying history and learning new things.

    Ivanna Savchenko

    Just a student who is learning English and doing a variety of projects. I'm also an artist, a boxer/athlete and I'm fond of playing the guitar.

    Myroslava Zinchenko

    I’m student. I have been singing since I was four and I dream of connecting my life with music. I love to cook, meet new people and travel. I adore geometry and art lessons.

    Odesa specialized school # 10, Ukraine

    I'm Maiia, a teacher of English from Odesa in the south of Ukraine. I teach languages. I love my daughter, my pets, my friends, my city and my country. I like reading, travelling, learning new things.

    Karin Kriššáková

    I like reading, drawing, listening to music, traveling.... In the future I will probably work as a translator or actriz and my most favorite school subjects are history, language and art.