
  • Lets create common guidelines of netiquette for our group

    Be polite

    It helps to achieve the aim even if the task is tough enough

    Help others

    Help the weaker if you notice a mistake

    Do not be shy of native language

    Even though we speak English, I think we still can use our native languages in different situations. Moreover. it'd be fun to learn something from each other's languages.

    Don’t be afraid to ask

    If something is unclear, ask questions. It'll help to avoid unpleasant situations

    Check information

    Be medialiterate and check a few resources before posting something

    Motivate yourself and colleagues
    Turn on the camera at the online meetings

    It's nicer to talk to a person than to talk to a black square :)

    Be active

    Try to complete all tasks!! You will also benefit from this)

    Respond to Emails and Texts Promptly

    Don't ignore on purpose any texts/mails regarding this project and try to respond as soon as possible


    Try to be punctual and complete all of the tasks on time.⏱⏰🕰

    Code of conduct

    eTwinning rules for behavior on the internet