About the project


    Short description

    According to the translation of Ukrainian and Slovak national folk songs, participants create their own illustrations of chosen lyrics. Each school creates a complete illustration of three foreign folk songs. Following typology and methodical analysis, interferences between two Slavic national folk cultures are shown and lead to the formation of a particular and general concusion.

    Work process

    By splitting the whole group of students into three teams containing at least two pupils from foreign schools, the main work will be created in TwinSpce after registration of participants and receipt of GDPR acceptance. Responses from specific teams for the selection, translation, illustration, and analysis of two foreign folk songs - Ukrainian student works on Slovak folk songs and Slovak students on Ukrainian folk songs, however, in one team.

    Teachers response for creating of the work teams, coordination of the student´s work and control of the goal of each step of the project. Founder and cofounder of the project response for project outpusts, as well as editing and compositing of the final ebook.  

    Aims of the project

    Translation from one language to another.
    Interpretation of the lyrics.
    Improving drawing abilities.
    Actualization of a folk song to reflect current social and political conditions.
    A critical reflection of social movements.
    Creating abstract thought models.
    Multicultural cooperation in an artistic way.