How many students have you got in your class?
Irena Raykova: 24
Rangel Pantaleev: 20
Marina Ivanova: 21
Cira Serio and Francesca Borrelli: 25
Danuta Bartkowiak-Siekanska: 20
Maria Stafilakou: 17
This is my idea of a logo for the project. Cira from Italy
The Italian team and students' drawings for logo suggestion.
Italian Team
Here are some logo suggestions, drawn by the students from Bulgaria. School: OU s PTU pri ZO, Kazichene, Sofia
Teacher: Rangel Pantaleev. Tomorrow we are going to vote and present one.
Our logo suggestions - Secondary School "Chernorizets Hrabur", Plovdiv, Bulgaria
137 Secondary School "Angel Kunchev", Sofia, BULGARIA
Our logo suggestion:
After two weeks working on logo suggestions, my students chose this drawing to take part in the logo competition.
Rangel Pantaleev
Logo suggestion from the pupils from the first grade, Secondary School "Chernorizets Hrabur", Plovdiv, Bulgaria
teacher: Marina Ivanova
SP-84 Poznań - Poland:
SP-84 Poznań - Poland, teacher: Danuta Bartkowiak - Siekańska
after long debates, this is our logo:
Logo suggestions from Greece