German comment on Ivan

  • Ivan  Vazov you are a very intelligent and powerful man. We have some further questions about your ideas?

    What kind of revolutionary spirit do you mean?

    Who will pay for the restauration of the monuments?

    Shouldn't we spend our money on education?


    We - What kind if revolutionary spirit do you mean?

    *Well,as you all know,many years ago,when i was witness to all wars and uprisings we all had to be with very strong and feisty spirit because we all wanted to be free and independent and this spirit kept us together and made us stronger.

    We - Who will pay for the restauration of the monuments?

    * Hmm,those who govern Bulgaria should take care and preserve the monuments of our culture. They will pay for the restauration because of our remarkable story.

    We - Shouldn't we spend our money on education?

    * I am so proud with our children and I think that they deserve the best and we should spend our money for education because they need this to have a bright future.