e) Cirriculum Integration

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    Works Curriculums Teachers
    1. Meeting Events Turkish Lesson

    T.6.2.1 makes prepared and impromptu speeches.

    T.6.2.13 fills out the forms by the instructions.

    Information Technologies

    BT. Software that can edit audio and video files are used.

    Social Studies

    SB. 5.2.2 introduces the objects and artifacts of the natural assets and historical places around.


    R.6.Knows that people's different character strengths will enrich interpersonal relationships.

    R.5. Develops a perspective sensitive to cultural differences.

    R.6. Appreciates the positive features of her friends and distinguishes that they like artistic- sporting activities.

    R.7. They appreciate the positive qualities of their friends

    RPDH.Communication and social skills

    Deniz  KARABAŞ


     Mehmet ZİYAN

    2. Logo and Poster Design Works

    Using Web2.0 Tools

    Visual arts

    G.5.1.5. Uses digital technology in visual artwork

    G.5.1.7. Uses art elements and design principles while creating visual artworks.

    G.6.1.9. Uses art elements and design principles while creating visual artworks.

    G.7.1.8. Uses art elements and design principles while creating visual artworks.

    Information Technologies

    IT. Executes the editing processes related to the images.

    IT. Formats the design and components of the presentation it creates for a specific purpose

    IT. Shares collaboratively created presentation.


    RPDH.Conscious use of technology

    Filiz İŞLEK
    3. Green Consumption

    Manifesting a healthy lifestyle in a natural environment conducive to life:

    -Identifying the relationships between one's behavior and health;

    -Transfering acquisitions in the field of biology into new contexts.

    Social Studies

    -Relates need available resources.

    Environmental Education

    2.7 Compares people’s production and consumption activities with natural substance cycles.

    2.8 Explains the effect of the production and consumption activities of the population on the emergence of environmental problems.

    3.2 Explain the ecological footprint.

    3.3 Interprets its effect on natural resource consumption by explaining its ecological footprint.

    3.4 It discusses how the consumption of natural resources can be done without reducing the earth's capacity to support human life.

    3.6 Knowing that the resources in the world are limited, use resources sparingly.

    3.7 Takes care to use environmentally friendly consumer products.

    SB.5.5.6. Exercises her/his rights as a conscious consumer

    Simona Dănilă


    Sıdıka Demirci

    4. Electricity Consumption

    Learns the harm that unnecessary electricity consumption will cause to the environment.

    Learns to use electricity consciously and to save money.

    Environmental Education

    3.6.a Electricity water heat etc. It focuses on what can be done to reduce the consumption of energy resources.


    F. Discusses the importance of conscious and efficient use of electrical energy in terms of family and national economy.

    F. Takes care to use electricity economically in homes.

    F. It takes care to be economical in the use of resources.

    Vasıf DEMİR
    5. Water Consumption

    They will be able to learn the sources of water and how to save and reuse them.


    G.7.1.8. Uses art elements and design principles while creating visual artworks.

    Environmental Education.

    4.6 Explains the effects of the reduction of pollution of water resources on living things.

    4.4Air, water, soil. examines the problems caused by noise and light pollution on a local and global scale.

    4.5 It fulfills its responsibility in preventing air, water, soil, noise, and light pollution.

    F. Aygül SÖĞÜT
    6. Global Warming

    E7.9.W1. Students will be able to write short, simple messages about the environment

    E7.9.R1. Students will be able to identify specific information in various texts about the environment

    E7.9.L1. Students will be able to understand phrases and the highest frequency vocabulary about the environment. 

    E7.9.SI1. Students will be able to talk about obligations. 

    Environmental Education

    4.2 It explains the causes of ozone depletion, acid rain, global warming, deforestation, and environmental problems.

    4.7 Explain how climate change will affect life on earth.

    4.11 Evaluates the effects of depletion of the ozone layer on the health of living things.

    F. Discuss the causes and possible consequences of global climate changes.

    F. Discuss the causes and possible consequences of global climate changes

    Beçin Balcı
    7.Foresty Week

    CEFR: major current issues and their impact on the country(ies) of the language

    studied (environment, sustainable development, and ecological transition)

    Working together-They are aware of their role as citizens

    Environmental Education.

    4.3 Explain the relationship between deforestation, climate change, and biodiversity reduction.

    4.9 Explain how deforestation will affect the natural balance
    Veronique Cheavin
    8. Recycling

    F. They pay attention to being economical in the use of resources

    F. They design projects for the efficient use of resources.

    F. They explain the importance of separating solid wastes for recycling.

    F. offer solutions using research data on the contribution of recycling to the country's economy

    F. offer solutions by specifying the problems that may be encountered in the future if the resources are not.

    F. It questions recycling in terms of effective use of resources.

    F. Pays attention to waste control in its immediate surroundings.

    Visual arts

    G.7.1.7. Makes three-dimensional work using waste materials.

    G.8.1.8. Makes three-dimensional work by using different techniques and materials together.

    Environmental Education.

    5.3 Explains the concepts of recycling and recycling. It contributes to the reuse of recyclable materials by classifying them.

    5.4 Searches for and shares good examples of the use of recycling technologies.

    5.5 Examines recycling problems and develops solution ideas.

    Aycan ÖNERBAY







    Mehmet ZİYAN


    IT. Realizes that digital identities may not reflect reality

    IT. He realizes that digital shares are permanent and leave traces behind him.

    IT. Identifies components that are important for privacy.

    IT. Distinguish between information that should be kept confidential and information that can be shared.

    IT. He organizes the information he has reached by citing the source.

    SB.5.4.2. Questions the accuracy and reliability of the information obtained in the virtual environment.

    SB.5.4.3. Complies with security rules when using the virtual environment.

    Violeta Karamihaleva
    10. English 


    E6.9. L1. Students will be able to recognize appropriate attitudes to save energy and to protect the environment.

    E6.9.L2. Students will be able to understand suggestions related to the protection of the environment in simple oral texts.

    Spoken Interaction

    E6.9.SI1. Students will be able to give each other suggestions about the protection of the environment

    Spoken Production

    E6.9.SP1. Students will be able to talk to people about the protection of the environment

    Aycan ÖNERBAY